Expectations were sky-high heading into Bethesda’s E3 presentation on Sunday. What new information would we get about Doom Eternal? Maybe they would even tease some information about Starfield? But fans in attendance were stunned after Bethesda producer Todd Howard spent the full hour talking about how they worked really hard on Fallout 76 and how it would be nice if everyone stopped insulting them and gave the game another shot.
“Look guys, Fallout was huge, we stayed late all the time and worked for years, so maybe you could try keeping that in mind when you comment on articles and talk about how you are never going to play a Bethesda game again. We know the PVP is kind of boring and broken, but it would mean a lot to us if you hopped back in for a few more sessions,” said Howard, who spent the entirety of his press conference sheepishly shuffling around stage and showing off screenshots of Fallout 76 quests that he was “really proud of no matter what a bunch of jerks say.”
Howard started his plea after a ten-minute introduction video, which reintroduced the entire concept of Fallout 76 so that fans would remember how excited people were when the game was first announced. “You have to admit the idea of a post-apocalyptic online survival game in the Fallout universe is a cool idea, right? At least give us credit for that. I just thought that if you saw how much went into this—the long Saturdays in the office, the missed birthdays—maybe you would respect it a little more.”
Adding: “It just hurts to hear all this criticism. Not everything is going to be an ‘A.’ How about an ‘A’ for effort? The whole Eastern Penitentiary quest was pretty fun. Robot marshals! Would it kill you to be just a little more supportive and patient?”
While some fans may be disappointed with the lack of new games at the presentation, it seems the company is intent on staying the course by continuing to tell people Fallout 76 is a good game. And with Howard’s closing comments that “everyone being so negative and critical makes us not want to do another game,” it seems it could be quite a while before we see any new ideas over at Bethesda.