WENATCHEE, WA–A TV commercial for Lysol Bathroom Disinfectant Spray sent OCD sufferer Janine Whittaker plunging even deeper into the disorder Monday. “Germs… germs everywhere,” said Whittaker, furiously scrubbing her bathroom’s new, already-gleaming shower tile with an industrial-strength ammonia-based cleanser after viewing the Lysol ad. “That commercial is right: Invisible germs and mildew lurk everywhere–in the tub, on the toilet, on the countertops, and in those hard-to-reach spots under the sink.” Whittaker was hospitalized in March 1999 after watching a 30-second spot for Palmolive Anti-Bacterial Dishwashing Liquid.
Bathroom-Disinfectant Ad Reinforces Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
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