
Back-To-School Preparation Tips For Parents

With millions of children heading back to school next week, parents across the country are stocking up on supplies, getting in touch with teachers, and setting expectations to help their kids succeed. Here are some tips for parents to help their kids prepare for going back to school:

Calmly explain to your child that those summertime days of eating peanuts with reckless abandon are officially over

Prepare a study area in a quiet part of the house where you can complete your child’s homework without any distractions

Children who eat healthy, balanced breakfasts tend to do better in school. Find out which kids do that, and instruct your children to cheat off them

Listen to your children’s feelings about returning to school before telling them the right ones to have

Take a tour of the school to get a feel for the place and realize how easily it’d be for some strange adult to just wander around your child like that

Train your child for the classroom by crating them seven hours a day

Purchase only no-name and off-brand clothes for your children to ensure that they are viewed as shrewd and individualistic by their peers

Make sure your child’s typewriter has plenty of paper and a fresh ink ribbon

Mark your calendar with orchestra concerts and science fairs so you can schedule work conflicts ahead of time

Get your child excited about spending time at school by escalating the viciousness of your fights with your spouse at home

Rehearse your child’s family vacation story thoroughly so no one knows about the 12 straight weeks of iPad

Send your kid to private school, if we’re being real here

Make sure that education is a top priority for your family by having a flexible white-collar job that allows you to help your child with homework