
BabyBjörn Introduces New Concealed Carry Ankle Infant Holster

SOLNA, SWEDEN—Responding to demand from American consumers, Swedish company BabyBjörn announced Monday it would begin marketing a concealed carry ankle infant holster in the United States. “Finally, parents can safely swaddle their babies in public without attracting the unwanted attention that comes from displaying one openly,” U.S. sales representative Morgan Handler said as she demonstrated to reporters the ease with which an infant could be retrieved from the covert carrier, adding that it would rest comfortably beneath any style of pant leg and was demonstrably safer than transporting a baby unsecured in a purse, pocket, or waistband. “The strap is made of a comfortable neoprene elastic that can support up to 12 pounds of pride and joy, and provides a flexible, stable fit for parents when they’re on the go or undercover. In the unfortunate event you need quick access to your infant, it can be unleashed at a moment’s notice. The inconspicuous nature, of course, does restrict the size of the baby that can safely be transported in the ankle holster, so it is only recommended for use with newborns, and as a back-up measure when any larger children you’re carrying may be compromised.” Handler went on to tease the development of a far less subtle assault-style carrier capable of arming parents with up to 100 babies at a time.

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