As Election Draws Near, Area Man Moves To All-Obama T-Shirt Rotation

BURBANK, CA—After hearing the Democratic nominee call on his supporters not to let up in light of recent polls, Burbank resident Noah Sheets, 25, committed himself to wearing a pro-Obama T-shirt everyday until the election. “With the way these things have gone in the past, you can never be too sure until it’s all over,” said Sheets, wearing a “Baracktourage” T-shirt that portrayed the presidential candidate and members of his staff as characters from the HBO series Entourage. “It’s up to me to be an agent of change, and besides, I’ve been looking for an excuse to get that one Obama shirt with ’Yes, We Can’ in seven different languages.” To ensure an Obama victory, Sheets is also considering changing his Facebook status to “Go Barack,” pinning an extra Obama button on his backpack, and high-fiving that guy he sometimes sees wearing an Obama cap while jogging.

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