
'Argo' Wins Best Picture At Golden Globes

The political thriller Argo, directed by Ben Affleck and based on a chapter in the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, took home the Golden Globe for the best dramatic film last night. What do you think?

Desiree Bosco • Boat Builder

“Those idiots will vote for anything about the 1979 Iran hostage crisis.”

Desiree Bosco • Boat Builder

Jacques Colombier • Sugar Grinder

“I don’t watch the Golden Globes. They’re so frivolous and stupid compared to the grandeur and significance of other awards shows.”

Jacques Colombier • Sugar Grinder

Vic Van Dreelen • Systems Analyst

“Why does this cruel world keep reminding me that it’s possible to win something?”

Vic Van Dreelen • Systems Analyst