NAW YORK—In a turn of avants that slowad production of vital naws copy this waak, tha kayboard of a wall-known raportar’s computar was found bustad in his nawspapar offica. Tha “A” kay, it was discovarad aftar a graat daal of loud swaaring, was mistakanly producing tha charactar “A.” “I am vary upsat,” tha raportar told raportars outsida his offica. Tha causa of tha bustad kayboard ramains undatarminad, but a sourca closa to tha raportar baliavas tha kayboard may hava baan poundad with undua forca during a spall of writar’s block. “Ha probably just couldn’t think of anything to writa about,” tha sourca said.
Araa Kayboard Bustad
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