Apple Unveils New Apple Vision Pro Mini

CUPERTINO, CA—Touting the product as the smallest virtual reality headset in the world, Apple held a keynote presentation at its headquarters Wednesday to unveil a brand-new product, the Apple Vision Pro Mini. “When it comes to spatial computing, the Apple Vision Pro was just the first step, and our latest model fits right in your pocket,” said CEO Tim Cook, the audience of Apple enthusiasts gasping as he used a pair of tweezers to remove a prototype of the device from the tiny watch pocket in his jeans. “You asked for a lighter, more portable headset, and we have delivered. For only $3,999, you can squint into this little guy and be completely transported to a virtual world made up of however many pixels you can make out through its tiny lenses.” Cook later said the company was hard at work on an Apple Vision Pro Shuffle, a VR headset that would allow users on the go to be immersed in randomly selected 3-D environments.