Anti-Racism Laws Mutate Racism Into Newer, Stronger Form

WASHINGTON, DC–According to a report released Monday by the Center For The Study Of Human-Morality-Legislation Attempts, the passage of anti-racism laws in recent decades may have caused racism to mutate into newer, stronger forms, undermining federal efforts to control the spread of the disease by spawning new strains of “super-racism” impervious to traditional treatment methods.

“Despite the noble efforts of a generation of dedicated government officials in the executive and judicial branches who have devoted their lives to finding a cure for racism, it appears that many of the legal procedures intended to eradicate the disease may be doing more long-term harm than good,” said Richard Jackson, CSHMLA director and one of the principal authors of the controversial study. “Our research has found that, in the presence of anti-racist legislative agents, certain strains of racism respond by developing powerful immunities, transforming into even more virulent forms of hatred.”


These new mutant strains, the report read, breed more aggressively than ordinary racism, proliferating rapidly in powerful, highly infectious cultures that are often difficult or impossible for anti-racist legislation to detect. Further, because these new strains adapt quickly to legislative antibodies, they become stronger the more they are attacked, absorbing the anti-racist measures into their own ideological make-up and putting neighboring social-cell structures at greater risk of infection.

“These mutant forms have learned to mask themselves under pseudo-tolerant guises that existing anti-racism laws cannot detect, attaching themselves to normal, non-infected societal tissue in order to appear benign,” Jackson said. “Soon, however, they begin to steadily spread, causing healthy bodies to decay from within and converting the host culture to their own insidious agenda.”

Though there is much debate over the effectiveness of anti-racist legislation, most experts agree that such treatment methods have shown results in the past. Racism, once a widespread irritant throughout the various organs of society, seems to have gone into remission in recent years. Red, inflamed outbursts of hate speech have become less common and been eradicated almost entirely in some social systems. All-white institutions have become largely a thing of the past, and at least some measure of diversity has been adopted by most of the idea-circulatory system, creating a widespread impression of overall sociological health.

Yet the CSHMLA report suggests that these victories may be largely illusory. According to the report, by attacking only the symptoms of racism and not its economic and social causes, legislative efforts to vaccinate the populace against racism may have accelerated rather than halted the spread of the disease.