
Amazing Original Thing To Become Hated Cliché In 6 Months

NEW YORK—An extremely clever and creative new thing will amuse the world for two and a half weeks in June, become passé by mid-September, and wind up as a trite and infuriating cliché by Christmas, sources said Monday. “Positive reviews on Boing Boing will signal the brief ’happy’ phase of this exciting new thing’s existence, about 11 weeks prior to the first backlash,” said Wired magazine senior writer Stephen Levy. “I look forward to watching America fall in love with, make YouTube parodies of, sour on, forget about, and groan legitimately when hackneyed late-night talk show references are made to the thing.” Levy estimated that the thing’s creator will earn $400,000 from licensing its image for use on T-shirts that will all be donated to Goodwill by next spring.

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper