
Air Force Follies

In the past few weeks, U.S. Air Force pilots have been involved in a number of dangerous incidents involving irresponsible flying. Most notable were two incidents in New Jersey last week, in which F-16 jets chased commercial airliners out of their flight patterns. What do you think?

Lynette Henke • Veterinarian

“I think the Aviation Department should do a better job of painting those yellow lines in the air to prevent such mishaps.”

Lynette Henke • Veterinarian

Raul Herron • Roofer

“Maybe the government has been giving out a bit too much hash lately.”

Raul Herron • Roofer

Robert Pettit • Building Contractor

“They were probably testing something. Just like the time they tested my anus to see if I was gay.”

Robert Pettit • Building Contractor

Rachel Pierce • Systems Analyst

“I find it surprising to hear about these accidents, especially when I think of the fine caliber of individuals in the military that I knew in high-school shop class.”

Rachel Pierce • Systems Analyst

Gregg Syzinski • Chiropractor

“Remember in 1983 when we shot down that Korean Airlines jet? That was sweet.”

Gregg Syzinski • Chiropractor

Richmond Burger • Carpenter

“Kenny Loggins was right—they really

Richmond Burger • Carpenter