A-Rod Donates $25 Million To Be Displayed In Glass Case In Baseball Hall Of Fame

COOPERSTOWN, NY—Ensuring that a treasured piece of the game’s history will be forever preserved for future generations of fans, representatives of the National Baseball Hall of Fame confirmed Friday that retired third baseman Alex Rodriguez recently donated $25 million of his earnings to be displayed inside a glass case in their museum. “With this exciting new acquisition, visitors will able to see for their own eyes some of the many millions of dollars Alex Rodriguez earned by playing the game of baseball,” said museum director Jeff Idelson, adding that the authentic cashed game checks will be displayed inside a protective glass case within the museum’s Baseball Timeline Wing beside an interactive screen that lets guests compare the size of Rodriguez’s salary to their own. “The exhibit will feature the $1,000,000 bonus from his rookie contract, as well as at least $50,000 from every year of his 22-season career. When people visit the Hall of Fame, they’ll be able to see what it was really like to make so much money playing baseball.” Idelson added that the Hall of Fame is also seeking to acquire some of the $80,000 Babe Ruth made in 1930.