
‘Spider-Man’ Malian Migrant Granted French Citizenship After Saving Baby From Balcony

Twenty-two-year-old Malian migrant Mamoudou Gassama—nicknamed “Spider-Man” for courageously scaling an apartment building and rescuing an infant—has been made a French citizen and offered a job by the city fire department. What do you think?

Alisdair Fry • Croquet Referee

“Is that all it takes to get citizenship these days?”

Alisdair Fry • Croquet Referee

Manuel Gonzalez • Paternity Establisher

“All I see is an immigrant stealing a French native citizen’s opportunity to be a hero.”

Manuel Gonzalez • Paternity Establisher

Karyn Landry • Craisin Rehydrator

“You’d really think an act of bravery like this would deserve something a little better than French citizenship.”

Karyn Landry • Craisin Rehydrator