
Your Horoscope

You’ve long seen yourself as a cog in a larger machine, but that will change next week when a cheaper cog from Mexico is shipped in to reduce the cost of packing frozen breakfast sausages.

Nobody said the farming life was going to be easy, but you still never imagined it would require waking up at the crack of dawn every morning to file for 11 different government subsidies.

You will soon realize that just because you’re firmly against capital punishment for developmentally disabled persons doesn’t mean you can’t find the concept of it inherently funny.

Using the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words,” your art professor will ask for a thousand-word drawing of a fruit basket this week, but you won’t start it until the night before it’s due, resulting in a rushed drawing padded with vegetables and even legumes.

You will break longstanding racial stereotypes in your town this week, earning your fellow Mexican neighbors an even worse reputation than before: trying to foster social change through public nudity.

The ravages of age will begin to interfere with your work this week, when your rapidly worsening vision produces paparazzi photo after paparazzi photo of people who look like Matt Damon.

An 8-year-old asshole will give away all 43 endings to the “Choose Your Own Adventure” book you’re reading.

You see the world through rose-colored glasses. Unfortunately, they’re not prescription rose-colored glasses, which helps explains why you love the world for all of its unpredictable walls.

While pleased with the progress you’ve been making in your anger-management course, you will suffer a tremendous setback this week after realizing it’s actually a basket-weaving class you’ve been attending all this time.

It will become obvious over the next several weeks that in a medical emergency, such as shattering your femur while clearing out the attic, every month counts.

Years of living vicariously through your brother will come to an end this week when you die vicariously through him.

If there’s one thing you’ll take away from this week’s funeral, it’s that baby caskets, because of their almost miniature size, are possibly the most adorable things on earth.