
Misinterpreted Foreign Business Gestures

When working at a foreign business, it’s important to learn the customs and body language of your new associates. Here are the most commonly misinterpreted gestures in other cultures, and what they mean:

Nigeria: Eye contact in restroom legally transfers bicycle ownership

Ukraine: Smiling means you successfully fixed a national election

Thailand: Closed fist moved up-and-down in a “wanking” motion can be misinterpreted as “You are a good little boy and are working very hard to make the sailors happy around the ’house’”

Sudan: Twiddling your thumbs means you are bragging that the warlords have yet to cut off your thumbs

Germany: Shaking your head communicates “I was unimpressed by your avantgarde one-man show last night”

Dominican Republic: Scratching your forearm and adjusting your shirt-sleeve can be misinterpreted as the hit-and-run sign

Angola: International sign for choking equals “Hello”

International: While both fists thrust forward with the index and pinkie fingers extended means “Metallica!!!” in North America, it means “Sepultura!!!” in Central/South America and “Turbonegro!!!” in Europe