The Week In Pictures – Week Of March 6, 2017

God Sick Of New Angel’s Annoying Fucking Voice
God Sick Of New Angel’s Annoying Fucking Voice
Freelancer Loves Being Able To Barely Scrape By Livelihood On Own Schedule
Freelancer Loves Being Able To Barely Scrape By Livelihood On Own Schedule
‘I’d Like The Crispy Chicken Sandwich’ First Truthful Thing Man Has Said In Weeks
‘I’d Like The Crispy Chicken Sandwich’ First Truthful Thing Man Has Said In Weeks
Jake Hyland Of Kansas City, MO Chosen As Nation’s Designated Survivor In Case Rest Of Country Wiped Out During Presidential Address
Jake Hyland Of Kansas City, MO Chosen As Nation’s Designated Survivor In Case Rest Of Country Wiped Out During Presidential Address
Melania Trump Looks Down On Husband From Gallery With Loving Grimace
Melania Trump Looks Down On Husband From Gallery With Loving Grimace
Acoustic-Guitar-Wielding Trump Tells Congress ‘This Here’s The Story Of America’
Acoustic-Guitar-Wielding Trump Tells Congress ‘This Here’s The Story Of America’
Pence Passing Time During Trump’s Speech By Mentally Baptizing Senators
Pence Passing Time During Trump’s Speech By Mentally Baptizing Senators
Trump Outlines Bold Vision For Nation’s Next Mass Protests
Trump Outlines Bold Vision For Nation’s Next Mass Protests
Ruby Tuesday Waiter Warns Jill Stein Her Green Party Response To Trump Speech Disrupting Other Diners
Ruby Tuesday Waiter Warns Jill Stein Her Green Party Response To Trump Speech Disrupting Other Diners
Man Trying To Leave Hateful Message At Local Synagogue Frustrated Phone Line Always Tied Up With Other Threats
Man Trying To Leave Hateful Message At Local Synagogue Frustrated Phone Line Always Tied Up With Other Threats
Buick Regal Named Best Vehicle In Class For Idling Outside Off-Track Betting Parlor
Buick Regal Named Best Vehicle In Class For Idling Outside Off-Track Betting Parlor
Google Unveils New Larry Page–Driven Car
Google Unveils New Larry Page–Driven Car
Mike Pence Clearly Went To Ash Wednesday Services Dozens Of Times
Mike Pence Clearly Went To Ash Wednesday Services Dozens Of Times
Woman Getting Stood Up On First Date Got All Drunk For Nothing
Woman Getting Stood Up On First Date Got All Drunk For Nothing
Ken Burns Not Sure How To Turn Down Ray Romano’s Repeated Offers To Narrate Next Documentary
Ken Burns Not Sure How To Turn Down Ray Romano’s Repeated Offers To Narrate Next Documentary
Area Man Accepts Burden Of Being Only Person On Earth Who Understands How World Actually Works
Area Man Accepts Burden Of Being Only Person On Earth Who Understands How World Actually Works
Heartbroken Russian Ambassador Thought Special Meetings With Jeff Sessions Were Very Memorable
Heartbroken Russian Ambassador Thought Special Meetings With Jeff Sessions Were Very Memorable
Jeff Sessions Spits In Face Of FBI Interrogator Trying To Get Him To Turn On Trump
Jeff Sessions Spits In Face Of FBI Interrogator Trying To Get Him To Turn On Trump
Russian Officials Scrambling As Plan To Delegitimize Western Democracy Moving Way Faster Than Intended
Russian Officials Scrambling As Plan To Delegitimize Western Democracy Moving Way Faster Than Intended
87% Of Loud Crashing Noises Are Nothing, Report Top Experts From Other Room
87% Of Loud Crashing Noises Are Nothing, Report Top Experts From Other Room
Paul Ryan Mentally Logs 4,613th Missed Opportunity To Put Stop To All Of This
Paul Ryan Mentally Logs 4,613th Missed Opportunity To Put Stop To All Of This
Disciplinarian Parent Annoying Restaurant Much More Than Unruly Toddler Ever Could
Disciplinarian Parent Annoying Restaurant Much More Than Unruly Toddler Ever Could
Woman Who’s Been On The Pill For Years Thinking About Switching To New Set Of Debilitating Side Effects
Woman Who’s Been On The Pill For Years Thinking About Switching To New Set Of Debilitating Side Effects
Completely Sober Employee Still Embarrassing Self At Company Party
Completely Sober Employee Still Embarrassing Self At Company Party