Remembering The Campaign Of Mitt Romney: A Man The Nation Will Hopefully Never Hear From Again

Romney Stuck In Endless Loop Of Uncomfortable Chuckling
Romney Stuck In Endless Loop Of Uncomfortable Chuckling
Paul Ryan Wondering If He Should Have Told Romney About This Guy He’s Dating
Paul Ryan Wondering If He Should Have Told Romney About This Guy He’s Dating
Mitt Romney Haunted By Past Of Trying To Help Uninsured Sick People
Mitt Romney Haunted By Past Of Trying To Help Uninsured Sick People
Ryan Begins Attacking Romney’s Record As Massachusetts Governor
Ryan Begins Attacking Romney’s Record As Massachusetts Governor
Your Republican Friend To Explain Why Paul Ryan Is Great Choice
Your Republican Friend To Explain Why Paul Ryan Is Great Choice
Poll: 63% Of Americans Say They Have A Problem With A Mormon President Who Is Also Mitt Romney
Poll: 63% Of Americans Say They Have A Problem With A Mormon President Who Is Also Mitt Romney
Romney Appeals To Hispanic Voters For Return Of Watch He Left On Dresser
Romney Appeals To Hispanic Voters For Return Of Watch He Left On Dresser
Romney Spends Most Of Factory Visit Yelling At Employees To Work Harder
Romney Spends Most Of Factory Visit Yelling At Employees To Work Harder
Romney Just Saying He Grew Up Poor In Memphis Now
Romney Just Saying He Grew Up Poor In Memphis Now
Mitt Romney Frantically Running Around Ohio Smiling And Waving
Mitt Romney Frantically Running Around Ohio Smiling And Waving
Money Man Pulls Even With Black Guy In Latest Poll
Money Man Pulls Even With Black Guy In Latest Poll
Romney Proudly Explains How He’s Turned Campaign Around
Romney Proudly Explains How He’s Turned Campaign Around
Romney: ’This Is Why They Call Me Turnaround Mitty From Comeback City’
Romney: ’This Is Why They Call Me Turnaround Mitty From Comeback City’
Romney Enchants Nation With Lovely Concession Song
Romney Enchants Nation With Lovely Concession Song
’I Want To Congratulate The President,’ Romney Says In 240,000th And Final Lie Of Campaign
’I Want To Congratulate The President,’ Romney Says In 240,000th And Final Lie Of Campaign