Police Dog Successfully Brings Down Fugitive Frisbee

COLUMBUS, OH—Columbus police commended the bravery and quick instincts of Dutch, an off-duty police dog, who pursued, apprehended, and retrieved a Frisbee that temporarily escaped the grasp of a fellow officer during a department-wide summer cookout Sunday. “The flying disk spun out of my hands shortly after I took temporary custody of same from a fellow officer,” said Sgt. Vincent Visceglia, who admitted that the wanted Frisbee likely could have escaped into traffic if not for Dutch’s fast actions. “Somehow Dutch knew that the Frisbee was a flight risk, so much so that he later displayed some reluctance to transfer it to authorities.” Dutch, who had no comment on the incident, later grudgingly accepted a decoration for valor in secondhand baby clothing from Visceglia’s daughters Eve and Cynthia.