
Will.i.am To Debut New Song On Mars

With the help of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, Black Eyed Peas star will.i.am is set to debut his newest single, “Reach For The Stars,” on the Martian surface today at 4 p.m. EDT, playing the song through speakers on the Mars rover Curiosity. What do you think?

John Amirante • Expeller Operator

“If anyone’s going to love will.i.am’s new song, it’s rocks.”

John Amirante • Expeller Operator

Michael Brutsche • Unemployed

“Call me cynical, but this reeks of a publicity stunt.”

Michael Brutsche • Unemployed

Doris Chostner • Wet Suit Gluer

“It was nice of them to wait for Neil Armstrong to die before doing this.”

Doris Chostner • Wet Suit Gluer