
Illegal Immigrants Apply To Stay In U.S.

Under an Obama administration policy that went into effect yesterday, an estimated 1.7 million immigrants 30 or younger who were brought to the United States illegally as children can now apply to remain in the country. What do you think?

Judson Hallinan • Terrazzo Finisher

“I don’t care what kind of official government paperwork they have, they’re still illegal in my book.”

Judson Hallinan • Terrazzo Finisher

Tony Burgard • Yield-Loss Inspector

“That’s just a disgrace to all their forebears who had the decency and fortitude to live in perpetual fear of arbitrary deportation.”

Tony Burgard • Yield-Loss Inspector

Terri D’Aquino • Tire-Cord Weaver

“Welcome to what used to be America!”

Terri D’Aquino • Tire-Cord Weaver