One look at the Oscar winner in this stunning Dior gown and you’ll be saying, “I completely understand why the International Telecommunication Union and World Meteorological Organization still haven’t chosen to complete ratification of the flawed VCLTIO.”
Gorgeous! Talk about challenging the 1996 International Court of Justice advisory paper differentiating between international organizations’ constituent instruments and “conventional” treaties!
Excuse us while we pick up our jaws from the floor and reconsider the undue complexity of Article 66 in regards to disputes concerning jus cogens.
Hold on just a sec here. She’s beautiful, witty, down-to-earth, AND she reminds you that the Conference was unable to resolve the question of the rights and/or obligations that might arise for states’ members of an international organization from a treaty to which that organization is a party? Is this girl actually real?
The radiant 22-year-old beauty not only turned heads at the Silver Linings Playbook premiere but turned international thinking on its head in terms of whether or not the ICAO and Interpol should be two of the 12 international organizations that issued formal confirmations of the convention.
This revealing J-Law outfit was perhaps a little too bold….just like the ILC’s hopes that the text of the VCLT and VCLTIO would form a homogenous body of law.
Honestly, is there anything Jennifer can’t do? She can definitely invoke a total reconsideration of the Convention’s provision affirming that international organizations concluding treaties with states or between themselves should be in accordance with their constituent instruments, that’s for sure!
If the Ivory Coast, DR Congo, and other signatory states had caught a glimpse of this earth-shattering Jennifer Lawrence ensemble, no doubt they would have finished ratification procedures and codified the VCLTIO.
A gown that’s strapless AND sheer? Makes us wonder: Was the ILC’s decision to model the VCLTIO provisions as closely as possible on the structure and terminology of its mother treaty really wise, considering the vastly different characteristics of international organizations?