13.5 Million Americans Tune In To Watch Animal Planet’s ‘Puppy Parley’ During DNC Debate Halftime Show

MIAMI—Calling the program an “adorable” and “pooch-tastic” alternative to NBC’s broadcast, 13.5 million Americans reportedly tuned in Wednesday night to watch Animal Planet’s Puppy Parley during the DNC Debate Halftime Show. “Normally I don’t like politics, but when I saw all the cute puppies frolicking at their own little podiums, I just couldn’t resist,” said 39-year-old viewer Regina Seddon, one of many who watched the 12-minute-long event that featured 20 juvenile dogs posing as Democratic candidates, performing precious antics on a miniature stage to win America’s hearts. “It was just so cute to see dogs like Andrew Fang and Kristen Gillibeagle playing with their little microphones and chewing on notecards! The best, though, was when senators Cory Barker and Saint Bernard Sanders tussled over a bone that had the word ‘healthcare’ written on it. Luckily, puppy moderator Rachel Maddog stepped in and immediately started howling to start a 30-second cuddle break!” At press time, Nielsen ratings revealed that the majority of Puppy Parley viewership were unaware the Democratic candidate debates also aired that evening.