Facebook, which is now valued at $130 billion and boasts 1.2 billion monthly users, was launched 10 years ago Tuesday by Mark Zuckerberg in a Harvard dorm room. Here is a look back at milestone moments in the rise of the world’s leading social network:
13,000,000,000 BC-2003: The world is a frightening and chaotic abyss where nobody knows what anyone else is eating
Feb. 4, 2004: At the age of 19, Harvard sophomore Mark Zuckerberg launches Facebook by building on classmates Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss’ idea of a website where identical twins can connect
Dec.12, 2005: Ugh, that one fucking girl from high school gets engaged
Sept. 19, 2007: Facebook redacts its controversial terms of use requiring all users to accept the tenets of Roman Catholicism
Mar. 22, 2010: Facebook employees crowd around a monitor and laugh their asses off at an embarrassing drunken love note you privately sent your ex
Jan. 5, 2011: Following the company’s announcement that they would be featuring sponsored advertisements, tens of millions of angry Facebook users vow to quit the site, deactivate their accounts, and to this day have never returned
July 11, 2012: For the first time in history, the share of 26-year-old users whose profile photo features them at Machu Picchu finally surpasses 50 percent
Feb. 4, 2014: You mindlessly post this link to your Facebook profile with some dumb caption