Q: Yikes! Just letting it all hang out. Embarrassing.
B: Leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination, apparently. Not a good look.
E: Come on, now. Three horizontal lines? Overcompensating much?
C: Woah, woah, take it easy on that curve, fella.
L: Sheesh, somebody tell L that the ’80s are over.
y: Really thought you needed to continue that long line, huh? Give me a break.
m: Talk about ostentatious. Why not just add a third hump, Your Majesty?
K: This is fucking ridiculous.
F: Evidently F has no problem going out in public looking like a drag queen from Mars.
Z: You look weird. You know that, right? You’re a weird-looking letter. A freak, even. A fucking freak.